DNF @ 6%
I'm cleaning out my Kindle and trying to get rid of anything that doesn't "spark joy." IRAN AWAKENING has been languishing on my e-reader for years, ever since I bought it while on sale. As I've said before in previous posts, I rate everything I read purely on how enjoyable I found the book, which is how literary classics sometimes warrant one star reviews and eroticas and comic books get five. Sometimes there are academic books that are incredibly enjoyable, but far too often they end up seeming dry.
That is my primary issue with IRAN AWAKENING. Shirin Ebadi has done great work as a lawyer, and she has led an interesting life, but I just don't really feel like the writing connected with me on an emotional level. It's one of those books that comes across as kind of stuffy and dry. I'm sure I could probably work my through it during happier times, but during self-isolation, I am finding myself reaching more and more for engrossing, comforting reads.
I'm not going to finish this, but you might enjoy it more than me, and don't let my review stop you from reading it. I think it would be a great resource for writing essays, as well as educating yourself on the history of the revolution in Iran (particularly if you read Persepolis and found yourself wanting to learn more), but it was not what I personally wanted or needed to read right now.
2 out of 5 stars
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