DNF @ 6%
This wasn't a bad book... it was just really boring. Do you ever have one of those reads where the premise sounds awesome but the writing just can't carry it off. Michelle Sagara is like that for me. In principle, her stories sound like the types of books I ought to love, but her writing is so dense and puts me to sleep. That's how I felt about this. Great premise, dull execution.
I buddy-read this with my friend TL and she says that it gets better about halfway through but that's more time than I really want to invest in a book that might or might not pay off. Giving this book two stars despite not finishing because I honestly feel like I'd probably at least find it okay if I pressed through, but with almost 1,000 books to weed through on my Kindle, I'd rather not waste my time.
1.5 to 2 out of 5 stars
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