Monday, May 13, 2024

Goodbye, Vitamin by Rachel Khong


DNF @ 18%

My dad is currently undergoing treatment for brain cancer. His tumor, surgery, and treatments have caused symptoms that mirror dementia and it has been hard to watch him deteriorate when he used to pride himself on his intelligence, much like the father of the heroine in this book. I think GOODBYE, VITAMIN handled that element of the book really well, capturing the pain of what it's like to see a loved one change into a stranger. But the writing style and the tweeness of the story didn't work for me at all. The narrative hopped around too much and felt disjointed as a result, even though it's supposed to be like a diary entry. I could see this REALLY working for someone else but despite having a beginning that hooked me, I decided not to finish.

2 out of 5 stars

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